Georgian Population Primary Sources Discussion

Georgian Population Primary Sources Discussion

Week 9 50 Point Written ResponseDiaries and JournalsDiaries and Journals are considered primary sources as they are firsthand accounts and written during a time period.They provide a firsthand perspective on history.  They provide a unique perspective as well.We must consider the author’s point of view, biases, and motivations. Pick either Choice 1, Choice 2 or Choice 3.Answer the following questions for the topic you picked:1)   List your choice #, name of the source and the dates or page numbers (Kemble) of your diary selection2)   Write a summary of what happened in that time period within the entries your read. What is the context? 3)   What did you find most interesting? Give specific examples with a minimum of 2 different examples4)   How did reading the diary or the journal increase your knowledge of life at the time of your journal?  Use specific examples from the diary or journal5)   How does reading a primary source (the diary or journal) compare to reading about the topic in a secondary source. What was gained from reading the first-hand account? Use an example from the source you picked6)   How did reading the journal increase your understanding of America today?GuidelinesOnly use the sources in this assignmentBe thorough and write an in depth analysis and descriptionNo outside researchList word count at the end of your assignment400-word minimumDo not embed images or photosYou can number your responses but do not repeat the questionsUse different examples from the primary source in response to each questionChoice 1Choose a diary entry section from Fannie Kemble’s diary.  Read at least 2 pages of the diary1838-1839…Fannie Kemble was a British actress who came to the US. She met her soon to be husband Pierce Butler when she was performing in the US. He was the grandson of US Senator Pierce Butler from South Carolina.  Pierce who lived in Philadelphia inherited two plantations in Georgia, one

grew cotton and one grew rice with the plantations he inherited 638 slaves. Unusual for women in her day, she spoke her mind, was assertive, and knew politics. Because of her personality and because she was antislavery their marriage was shaky from the start. Fannie hoped by visiting the plantations she could persuade Pierce to emancipate his slaves. She visited both plantations for 4 months in 1838 taking her 2 children and nurse with her. The diary she wrote while there is the most detailed account of slavery from a white northern abolitionist.  She was able to win the trust of the slave women, so her account of their lives is an important and rare historical source on the lives and feelings of slave women. He divorced her in 1849 and she had to work as an actress and writer to support herself and her 2 children. During the war she published the journal of life on a Georgia plantation while living in England. White southerners continued to discredit her account into the 20th century.Choice 2Journals of Lewis and ClarkLewis started down the Ohio River in 1803 summer and picked up William Clark in Indiana where they began to recruit others for the expedition. They set out in May 1804 with 40 others.They both wrote in detail in journals and when they returned to St. Louis the journals were transcribed and bound into other books.They returned to St. Louis on September 23, 1806.Choose 2 days from the journals. You can pick any year. Write about both Lewis and Clark and you can use any other entries for that date as well.This is an interactive expedition mapChoice 3    Write about a weekly diary entry from Martha Ballard’s diary below (Colonial/Early America Massachusetts)Ballard ran a business and managed households and family members.Scroll down for the Ballard diary embedded below.Martha Ballard’s Diary Massachusetts Colony (Present-day Maine) 1785-1812Martha Moore Ballard was fifty years old when she began her diary on January 1 of 1785. Every day, for twenty-seven years, she recorded the daily events in her diary, beginning with the weather. Initially, the entries were short and choppy, but gradually they became fuller and more regular. What began, most probably, as a record of her midwifery and healing work, grew into a remarkably steady account of both the ordinary and the extraordinary events in her life. Through Martha’s diary, however, we can learn a great deal about her life as a healer and midwife, mother, and wife. We come to realize that Martha Ballard was a respected member of the community, depended upon by the inhabitants of Hallowell, Maine from 1785 until her death in 1812. Through her diary, we can also glimpse the lives of the town’s other inhabitants–the ordinary people who are normally invisible to us when we look back into the past. Her diary enriches,

deepens, and complicates our understanding of everyday life in early America. Martha Ballard is also one of a small number of women who had active careers and worked outside of the home in the 1700s and 1800s. Ephraim Ballard, her husband, was a surveyor and was away from home a lot throughout the year, which left Martha to balance her job with taking care of her family, which wasn’t easy.January 23 – February 7, 178523[1][      ] very Cold. at home.24[2][      ] morng, cloudy aftern [      ]. I was at home all Day. hannah [w ].25[3]A very Rainy Day. we Baked a [B ] Isaac Savage. I was at home all Day.26[4]A clear, pleasant Day. I was at home [      ]. Hannah went to mr Ingerhams with [      ] Hannah Crage & Tarried at Crages all night.27[5]A clear cold morng, afternn Cloudy [      ]. made mince pies. up late to take [t ].28[6]A clear pleasant Day, ye Evening [      ]. I helpt Hannah Barton do the kitchin work. at Home all Day. Drest John Forbys fingers.29[7]A Snow [Fell]. I was at home. mr Ballard returnd from westward.30[1][      ] Clear, Cold Day. at home [      ].31[2][      ] went to mr Westons [      ].1[3][      ] Snowd aftrn. at home. [      ] had 34 lb [      ].2[4][      ] I was at home all day. [      ].3[5][      ] Cold Day. Capt Savage [      ] [      ] unwell. at home

4[6][      ] pleast Day. at home [      ]. Jona here & Dind with us.5[7]Birth [          ][      ] was unwell in ye forenn. [       ] Dind here. I was calld at 11 oclok to mr Tolmans, a fatagueing Ride; accompanied by [   ] Tolman to the Fort,from thence by Asa Williams. found mrs Tolman Delivd of a fine son, but before I left, put her to Bed Safely [      ].6[1][      ] Cold Day. Returnd from Tolmans attended by mr Ingerham who Dind with us.April 9 – 16, 178597I was at home all Day. mr Thomas here. I was making Soap.10Bwas Calld at a little past 12 in morn by mr Edson, to go to his wife being in travil. walkt to ye Brok over thee point; was Drawn by Edson & Wm Canady on a Slead. the river Dangers But arived Safe through Divine protection.112Birth. Edsons chilDren. two Sons. XAt 4 & 20 in morn, mrs Edson was Deliverd of a Son which waid 7 1/2 lb and at 6 & 5 minnits of another Son which wd 8 3/4 lb. Left her at about 10, mr Ballard Coming there at that time. Enformd of ye Death of our Grand Son John Town, who Last thursday morn Drank So much spirit that Causd his Death which hapend yester Day at 8 in the morn. On my return from mr Edsons, mrs Weston Cald me in, Nathan Being Sick. I tarried with her this night. Left ye Child much Better.123Clear and Cold for April. I Came home from mr Westons. Cald at mr Pollards. Jono is gone to Son Towns to attend funeral of their Son. I went to Bed but, thinking of my Childrens trouble, Could not compose to Sleep. At 11 Oclok Evn, Woodd Allin Cald me up. went by Land to Colo Norths; very bad walking. we card a candle to ye top of Burnt hill. between 12 & 1 arivd at Allins but I was much fataugd.134Clear. Mrs Allin Deliverd of a Dafter at 4 this morn. I returnd home at 11 O Clock. Receivd 6 Shillings of

X Birth. Wd. Allins Daftr. XXWoodward Allin in part for fee & medicin which Shee had of me. I took a knap of Sleep ys afternoon. mr Woodward here. mr forbes made a prest of a Calfs head. Jono Returnd from Towns.145Clear & very Cold for Apl. I was at home. Let John Sahaw have 1 oz of salve; prs Eight pence.156Clear & Cold. I went to Isaac Savages to See Hannah, his Daftr. was at James & Georg Boltons & mr forbess. Brothr Moore & mr Hawes here. I finished Cyruss Cotten hoes.167Clear. Capt Savage & Lady & Isaac & wife here. I was makeing Soap. very weiry at night.April 17 – 24, 178517BClear & plest. mr Pollard, Isaac Savage & Polly here. Enformd yt Jono Wimans wife Deceasd Last Eving.182Clear morn, raind a little aftern. I finishd making Soap. was at home all Day. Polly Savage here.193Clear part of ye Day, Snowd at night. I combd flax. was very unwell at night.204Snowd & raind. mr Canady & Church here Getting logs into the Brook.215Clear & Cool for April. I was unwell, had taken Cold which Causd a pain in my Neck and Sholder. ColoHoward, mr Brooks & Doct Colman here. Enformd of ye Death of Leutt Howard who Departed this Life yesterday.226[mr] Turner & wf at mr westons.Clear & warm. mr Ballard attendid funeral of Leut Howard. the CorpS were Brought on a Sleigh up ye River to Colo Howards in ye morng, ye funeral at two O Clock. I was at Mr Westons, Saw the Widdow Drawn Down river at about Six aftern in ye sleigh Drawn by men. I tarried at mr Westons all night; took Care of Jimmy.

237Clear. At mr Westons till after Dinner. mr Weston Returnd from Boston. got home about 12 O Clock, Crost ye river on the Ice. mrs Pollard & I at ColoNorths; Drank Tea.24BBirth. mr Blakes Son at about 5 [  ]. fee Recvd. XI was Calld at 2 O Clock in ye Morn to go to thee hook to Mrs Blake in travil. went Winthrop road about 4 miles, from that to Blakes near four miles. arivd before the Sun rose, found mrs Blake Deliverd of a Son By the help of Peter Clearks wife. receivd 4 Shilling for my trouble. returnd to Fosters on hors back; from thence walkd home attindid by mr Foster. I was much fatagud. then Calld to Isaac Savages to See hannah, his Dafter. returnd home at 10 in Eving. on return mr Ballard found ye Boome Logs & Bords all a float. Hamlin, Robbins, Cowin & Jonathan got out of bed & went to Secure them. People pasd on the ice from Fort western this Day.December 17 – 24, 178517717 B A fine pleast Day. for ye Season, I attended Divine Servis both parts of ye Day. A very rainy Day. ye freshet rose in ye Brook. Duttons Dam met with a breach which causd it to rise higher than usual. no great damage hapend here.18BA fine, pleast Day. mr Haselet performd Divine Servis. I attended all Day. Hannah & Dolly went to See mrs Williams this Evining.192I have been at home ys Day. it is the anaversiry of my Marriage and 31 years Since mr Ballard and I were Joind in Wedlock.203I have been at home all day. mended a Coat for mr Ballard & 1 for Cyrus & Ephs Trousers. ye Girls went to see Polly Hamlin ys Evinng. mr Balld been on ye Road by Herseys.214Birth. Beamans Dafter. XXI was at home till about Sun Set, then Calld to Mrs Beaman being in Travil & was Safe Delivd of a Dafter about mid night. I tard all night. Mrs Williams here this afternoone. mr Balld at Valabboro.225It Snowd. I Came from Beamans, was much fatagud. did no work at home ys Day.

236At home ys day. Mr Savage here; Shod oxen. he and wife spent Evinng here.247Mr Ballard returnd from Surveying at Varsalborough (by Disire of Esq Lovjoy). I have been at home all Day, mended Mr Ballards Breaches. Polly Hamllin here for milk, Drank Coffee here.January 30 – February 6, 1786302X Birth. John Babcs Dafter X.I was Calld to John Babcocks wife being in Travil. Shee was Deliverd of a a Dafter at 5 O/Clock in Eving. A South wind & Smart rain. mrs Savage, Cowen, Babcock, Ellis & Stone & my Self tarrd all night.313I returnd from Babcoks at 9 O/Clok morn. a Cloudy Day.14Clear. I was Calld to mr Westons to Cutt yr infants Tongue. mrs Wstn gave me some Tea.25Clear. Mr Ballard went to Brother Moores to Draw Some writings for him. I went to mrs Pollards where he met me and waited on me home. mr Weston & wife & Neighbour Savage there. We all Supt there & spent Evinng.36Clear morn. I have been at home today. Revd mr Noble Came to Town yester dy.47I have been at home ys Day. mr Williams & Crage & Brown Jun here giting wood. Jono Drove teame. mrssCoall & Gorden & mr Saml Fosters son Dind here. Savage Bolton Paid me for going to his wife & for medisin. 8/.5AI was unwell, had ye Collick. my famely, Except my Self & Ephm, attended worship.62I feel unwell yt. Mr Ballard gone to Lay out Road from ye Hook towards [winthrop]. it Storms. ye Girls are washing. I was Calld to Joseph Williamses at yehook, his wife in travil.February 7 – 14, 178673Birth. Joseph Mrs Willms Safe delivd of a Daughter at 5 morn, ye Child much spent but soon revived. I Left them Cleaverly. I returnd home at half after 1/O Clok. it 236At home ys day. Mr Savage here; Shod oxen. he and wife spent Evinng here.247Mr Ballard returnd from Surveying at Varsalborough (by Disire of Esq Lovjoy). I have been at home all Day, mended Mr Ballards Breaches. Polly Hamllin here for milk, Drank Coffee here.January 30 – February 6, 1786302X Birth. John Babcs Dafter X.I was Calld to John Babcocks wife being in Travil. Shee was Deliverd of a a Dafter at 5 O/Clock in Eving. A South wind & Smart rain. mrs Savage, Cowen, Babcock, Ellis & Stone & my Self tarrd all night.313I returnd from Babcoks at 9 O/Clok morn. a Cloudy Day.14Clear. I was Calld to mr Westons to Cutt yr infants Tongue. mrs Wstn gave me some Tea.25Clear. Mr Ballard went to Brother Moores to Draw Some writings for him. I went to mrs Pollards where he met me and waited on me home. mr Weston & wife & Neighbour Savage there. We all Supt there & spent Evinng.36Clear morn. I have been at home today. Revd mr Noble Came to Town yester dy.47I have been at home ys Day. mr Williams & Crage & Brown Jun here giting wood. Jono Drove teame. mrssCoall & Gorden & mr Saml Fosters son Dind here. Savage Bolton Paid me for going to his wife & for medisin. 8/.5AI was unwell, had ye Collick. my famely, Except my Self & Ephm, attended worship.62I feel unwell yt. Mr Ballard gone to Lay out Road from ye Hook towards [winthrop]. it Storms. ye Girls are washing. I was Calld to Joseph Williamses at yehook, his wife in travil.February 7 – 14, 178673Birth. Joseph Mrs Willms Safe delivd of a Daughter at 5 morn, ye Child much spent but soon revived. I Left them Cleaverly. I returnd home at half after 1/O Clok. it

Wilms Dafter X.Snowd. mr Church here & mr Smith. wilms Child Expird about midnight, I hear.84Clear. I was at home. Mrs Mc Night & her Sister here & Dind. I mended my goun. hear yt mrs Goodin was Delvd of a Son that wt 12 lb.95Clear & pleast. mr Ballard & I, mr Pollard & wife, went to mr Bullins. Dind & went to mr Barkers, Towns & Shaws. mr Bullin & wife & mrs Davis went with us. the men helpt two horses out of ye river. we spent ye Eving at mr Duttens very agreeable. Doct Cony & Lady there. we got home at 12 O/Clock.106it Snowd ys morn. Cleard of pleast. I have been at home all day.117I have been at home all day. mrs Willms here. mr Ballard went to Stedmans for pork. it is very Cold.12AClear & Cold. we all attended Divine Servis ExceptCyrus & Ephm. Clarrisa & Perthena Barton, Patty Bullin & Betsy Brown here at noone. Hannh & Dolly gone to Williamses ys Eving.132I was Calld to Robert Fletchers at half after one ysmorn, his wife143[ ] unwell. thee women Calld & Tarried [till] Tuesday morn then Dismist, Shee [being] some more Comfortable but not [wishing] to Dismiss me So I am there yet.February 25 – March 2, 1786257Clear & Cold. I have been at home ys Day. mr Ballard returnd from Br Moors. we had a Barril of fish & Cag of molasis brought home to day.26ABirth. EpmStevens Son X.A Clear Day. I did not attend Devine Servis. Broth Moore was here. I was Calld by Ephm Stevens of winthrop about Sun Sett to his wife in travil. had two falls from the hors I Rode but receivd no hurt. arivd there about 8/O Clock. mrs Stevens was Safely Delivdat 11 of a fine Son, her third Child.272I Returnd hom in a Sleigh. mrs Williams here, shee fainted & fell on ye floar. I was Enformd yt mr Smith was gone away & tis feard he Desins to Deprive him self of Life on acount of Polly Hamlins refuseing to wed with him.

283Clear. Mr Bullin & Cleark & Patty Bullin here & Dind. Hannah & Dolly went with Patty to Mr Crages. I went to Mr Densmors to see his wife who is unwell.14This Day observd as a Day of fast & prayer in this Town on acount of Calling one to Settle in ye Minestry. Revd mr Emerson performd ye forenExercise & Mr Moore ye aftern. I Calld to see mrs North after Meeting, Shee being unwell. mrs Pollard & mrs Cox there. Smith & Polly Hamlin are in all Conversation at present.25I have been at home ys Day. it snowd. Mr Densmore Came for a Cyrrup I maid for his wife. Mr Ballard been at mr Pollards with thee other Select Gentm.April 25 – 29, 1786253a rainy Day. thee Spalldings brogt Loggs. we had 9 men Dind besides our own family. I Sent 18 Skeins of Tow to Chamberlins by mr Woodd.264Clear. I was mr Dexter & Nathan Howard Brought Loggs to us. I was calld to winthp to Bill Richardsswife, Shee being in travil. arivd at 5 O Clok P.M. very much fatagud.275Birth of Wilm Richards Dafter. XXI put mrs Richards Safe to Bed with a fine Daughter at about 4 ys Morn. Left there a little after break of Day. Called to See Mrs Branard who is unwell & Woodward Allins Wife who is very Low indeed. Calld at Saml Comings; rode his hors & Saddle as far as Fosters, Walkd from There. was at Crages & Williams. Dolly at mr Cragges. I Sent 21 Skeins of Tow yn to mrs Chamln. Benn Brown & wife here. I was in bed much fatagud.286Clear. mr Ballard Came home from viewing Land belonging to mr Pittss Heirs. ye mills have been stoptfrom going by ye freshet. Capt Grant Dind here. mr Ned Savages wife & Polly Drank Coffee with me. Son Town Sleeps here.297A Clear Morn, it Raind aftern. mr Dexter brot Loggs. mr Blanchard & Noah & ye Team workt at mr Williamss. his wife here aftern, Drank Coffee. Rhubin Moore Sleeps here ys Night. informs of ye death of an infant of Collins Moors, a Twin of a month old. I spun Some Thread. Light in ye North this Evinng.

September 8 – 16, 178686Clear. I gatherd Biens. Gillbrh Dind here. mrs Powers, Cate Scott & Hannh Fuller drank Coffee. Wilm & wife here, mrs Bisbee & Lidia.97Clear. I gatherd Seeds & did hous work. Cyrus & Hannah went to Son Towns. Jones, of winthrop, dind here. mr Ballard Came home at night.10AA very hott day. I was Calld to Capt Savages at Evinng, watcht. Cyrus returnd from Towns.112Cyrus 30 years old ys Day. I came home by Fort western. Dolly washt. mr Ballard Surveying for mr Vaun, gone ys night.123A rainy day. mr Ballard Came home. mr Luis & NathlLow Breakfasd here. Dolly Spun Some wool.134Cloudy morn. I was Calld to See mrs Foster, find her very unwell. I Bathd her Throat, Drest her Blisters & Did for her as far as I Coold. Dolly Being unwell, I returnd. Bathd her Throat & am at home Still. mr Ballard gone to ye hook in mr Vauns Business, returnd ys Evinng.145Clear. mr Ballard gone to ye hook again. mrs Pollard & mrs Hodges here, Drank Coffee. Clarisa Barton Sleeps here. Jono unwell, Sleeps on a Bed by ye fire. Dolly unwell also.156Clear. Jono is Better. mr Ballard at Doct Coneys fore noon, making plan aftern. Dolly & Clarisa went to CaptSualls. Shee went home towards night. Polly Hamlin Sleeps with Dolly. I feel some unwell.167Clear. mr Ballard at ye hook. Jono gon to Sandy River. Jonathan Wiman here from ye westwd. Brot Letters from our friends. Polly went home. Saml Stephens & his wife of winthp to mill[]. mr Wiman Informs yt mr Streater, a preacher, is Lately Departed this Life, Left a lg family.March 29 – April 2, 1791September 8 – 16, 178686Clear. I gatherd Biens. Gillbrh Dind here. mrs Powers, Cate Scott & Hannh Fuller drank Coffee. Wilm & wife here, mrs Bisbee & Lidia.97Clear. I gatherd Seeds & did hous work. Cyrus & Hannah went to Son Towns. Jones, of winthrop, dind here. mr Ballard Came home at night.10AA very hott day. I was Calld to Capt Savages at Evinng, watcht. Cyrus returnd from Towns.112Cyrus 30 years old ys Day. I came home by Fort western. Dolly washt. mr Ballard Surveying for mr Vaun, gone ys night.123A rainy day. mr Ballard Came home. mr Luis & NathlLow Breakfasd here. Dolly Spun Some wool.134Cloudy morn. I was Calld to See mrs Foster, find her very unwell. I Bathd her Throat, Drest her Blisters & Did for her as far as I Coold. Dolly Being unwell, I returnd. Bathd her Throat & am at home Still. mr Ballard gone to ye hook in mr Vauns Business, returnd ys Evinng.145Clear. mr Ballard gone to ye hook again. mrs Pollard & mrs Hodges here, Drank Coffee. Clarisa Barton Sleeps here. Jono unwell, Sleeps on a Bed by ye fire. Dolly unwell also.156Clear. Jono is Better. mr Ballard at Doct Coneys fore noon, making plan aftern. Dolly & Clarisa went to CaptSualls. Shee went home towards night. Polly Hamlin Sleeps with Dolly. I feel some unwell.167Clear. mr Ballard at ye hook. Jono gon to Sandy River. Jonathan Wiman here from ye westwd. Brot Letters from our friends. Polly went home. Saml Stephens & his wife of winthp to mill[]. mr Wiman Informs yt mr Streater, a preacher, is Lately Departed this Life, Left a lg family.March 29 – April 2, 1791

293X. Birth John Coutchs Dagt. XX.misty morn. I was Calld at 7 h morn to John Coutches wife in Labour. Shee was Delivrd of a Dagt before I arivd there. I Drest the infant, took Breakfast and returnd home about noon. it was a very rainy Evng. I was informd this Day that A Sister of mrs Neys has Lately Murdered her mr Coutches. mrs Hinkley performdfor mrs Coutch. June 27threceivd 6/ of mr Coutch.304Cloudy & rain. I was at home.315X. Birth Capt Herseys Son. X.Clear. Capt Hersey Calld me at the 5th hour morn to See his Lady who is in Labour. Shee was Safe Deld at 6h 30m pm of a fine Son. I had mrs Thomas & mrs Voce as assistants. I tarried all night, my Patients were very Comfortable. mr Voce Supt Capt Herseys. Birth 9th. I receivd 6/. Tolman a Son Born.16Clear morn. I took Breakfast and Set out for home. Crost the river on the ice, went in at mr Pollards. from there to mr Westons, tarried there thru the day & night. thee river opend, thee freshet high.Came from Capt Herseys, yeriver opend at 4 h pm.27Clear morn. I Took Breakfast at mr Westons and went to mr Hamlins & Burtuns. Dind with mrs Hamlin. Lucy Cassety went from Capt Burjess this Day. I Came from Hamlins, Calld to see mrs Childs and mrs Pollard, then prosceded homeward. met mr Ballard who Conducted me home tho thro Some difuculty. I find my family as well as usual and that Jona has Securd his Boards. rain & high wind in ye mr Westons & other NeigOctober 16 – 20, 1794165Clear. I have wrote ys morn to my Bror Elijah Moore of Douglas. Silva Moore took Breakfast here & Sett out home. mr Ballard been to Esqr Conys & mr Burtuns. mr Green of Sandy river Sleeps here. JonaNichols here, receivd Letters to Carry to Oxford for me. James Sturges Came here yesterday.

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