Running head: PLANNED CHANGE IN A DEPARTMENT Planned Change in a Department or Unit
Maranda Wells
Walden University
NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership
June 22, 2017 Maranda, This is all very well but you did not identify a change theory and then put the information in
here in the correct steps or format showing how you would employ a change model to execute this
change. Be specific, don’t just say inform stakeholders, who/how; make compelling case – what data and
how would you do this etc. – send back with change model included in narrative and thus this paper
reformatted to show on you would use the change model to implement this change. PLANNED CHANGE IN A DEPARTMENT Nursing Turnover
Nursing turnover is a very critical issue impacting on the performance and efficiency of
nurses and the healthcare organization as a whole. For a health care to be efficient enough, it
requires stable, fully engaged and highly trained nursing staff to provide proper and adequate
healthcare to their patients (Li, Y. I & Jones, 2013). Over the resent years there has been an
alarming decline in the number of qualified nurses; this has led to a significant growing in
nursing turnover which is likely to continue increasing over the coming years. Nursing turnover
is an annoying trend for healthcare employees. It can be expensive, disruptive and can threaten
the quality of care and patient safety.
In any healthcare facility all over, nurses have a high rate of interaction with patients
hence they play a vital role in the financial performance of healthcare originations. Losing highly
qualified nurses has an adverse consequence to a health organization (Staggs, V. & Dunton, N.
2012). These effects include decreased quality of healthcare available to a patient. Nurse
shortages are associated with a significant reduction in the quality of care offered to a patient.
These can increase the length of time that patients are required to stay in a hospital. It can also
lead patient loss. Some healthcare originations have reported turning away patients due to the low number of nurses in the hospital. This has resulted in the increase in the number of deaths of
patients who go unattended to. Increased nurse turnover is another consequence. Nurse turnover
leads to decrease in the number of nurses this would place higher responsibility on the remaining
nurses and would become difficult to retain them. Healthcare organization would have to incur
higher cost in hiring and training new nurses hence it would hurt its profitability and financial
performance (Duffield, C. M., Roche, M. A., Homer, et al. 2014).
Realistic Change Addressing the Issue
Some factors are leading to high nursing turnover in any organization offering health care
facilities. Among them are: nurses may feel overworked and may find it difficult to manage their
workload. They may feel the lack of clarity on their expected goals coupled with work schedule
not matching their job expectations and less control over their job performances. Nurses may feel
not respected, valued for their contributions, poor communication from the management and not
receive a reward for their performance hence making them move out of the healthcare
organization. They may also feel that the work is too much demanding and not enabling them to
develop their careers further.
One significant method that can be used to address nursing is by improvement on how
the management manages the nurses. This can be done by: be the improvement in
communication within the organization with work expectations stated together with performance
objective. There should also an introduction of rewarding and recognizing the program for
superior performance. The manager should solicit ?advoce ice from nurses to stay by team
building, helping nurses cope with their stress and actively supporting nurse with their career
development. The management can also improve on the remuneration, pay and bonuses and allowances they offer their nurses. All this would lead to the reduction of nursing turnover
(Galletta, Portoghese, Battistelli, et al. 2013). Mission, Vision, Values
The mission, values of any healthcare organization is to provide quality and efficient
healthcare services to their patient’s much satisfaction. By management improving the way they
treat their nurses, there would be a significant reduction in nurse turnover (increase in the
number of nurses in the organization). This method is not about doing new things; it’s about
doing things they were doing before but in a much-improved way. This would enable the
organization to provide quality healthcare to their patient. This would have a positive impact on
the profitability, return on investment and financial performance of the organization.
Change Model to Guide Planning for Change Implementation
The strategy to improve management treatment of nurses would be addressing the
primary challenge. That is; changing managers behavior which at a time can be hard but
achievable. The key is to give managers guidelines on what behaviors they used to do poorly and
to improve them and maintain the behaviors they performed exemplary. Management of talent
technology can play a major role in implementing this changes by providing managers with tools
to effectively manage their nurses. The technology can be used to measure and reward managers
with high performance and those who have demonstrated behavior change in to decrease nurse
turnover. To implement these strategy mangers should follow the following steps. Step 1,
managers should outline the goals they want to achieve. With the goal being to reduce nurse
turnover they should strive to pursue this goal. Step 2, they should determine where to improve which in our case would be to improve treatment of nurses. Step 3, managers can take leadership
courses or a management book. Sometimes it would be hard to improve on your own. Seeking
help should not be seen as a sign of weakness. It can assist in determining how to approach a
particular problem in day to day work. Step 4, practice and rewarding. To become a good leader,
it’s important; you give feedback to your employees especially through praise and even rewards.
Managers of the healthcare should be the facilitators of the change. In our case, they
should be the ones to manage their behavior and treat their nurses well to reduce nurse turnover.
A good manager should be self-motivated, dependable, and flexible to changes, team player,
knows how to give constructive feedback, values others, and has excellent organization skills and
a person of integrity.
Nursing turnover is an annoying trend which healthcare organizations should strive to reduce it.
It’s very costly and threatens the quality of health care being provided. People are usually
interested in knowing the rate of turnover in the nursing profession. If the rates are high
individuals are discouraged to join nursing. Hence it’s important to keep the levels in check. References
Duffield, C. M., Roche, M. A., Homer, C., Buchan, J., & Dimitrelis, S. (2014). A comparative
review of nurse turnover rates and costs across countries. Journal of advanced nursing.
Galletta, M., Portoghese, I., Battistelli, A., & Leiter, M. P. (2013). The roles of unit leadership
and nurse–physician collaboration on nursing turnover intention. Journal of Advanced
Li, Y. I. N., & Jones, C. B. (2013). A literature review of nursing turnover costs. Journal of
nursing management.
Staggs, V. S., & Dunton, N. (2012). Hospital and unit characteristics associated with nursing
turnover include skill mix but not staffing level: an observational cross-sectional
study. International journal of nursing studies.
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